Gallery 289: Humanoid
For some time now, we have had this little human robot as an assistant. It is a prototype with many flaws and bugs. Every few hours, it has to go to the charging station. It can plug in the charging cable by itself - most of the time.
Sometimes the plugging in does not work and the battery voltage decreases too much, so that it switches into a save-state. Sometimes there are also fatal errors during charging and the entire system crashes. Firmware updates if available
are also installed after a successful charging process. If the motion-sensing software has been updated, it makes a test of the movements that look like a crazy dance. The motors and sensors are calibrated and limit switches are
tested. Strange errors occur here as well. To monitore the failures we have a camera installed to be able to analyze what happens when another error occurs. Some pictures are very funny, others a bit strange.
So see what a robot does when it is alone and the software goes nuts again:
Costume: Shiny silver open-face Zentai [Ervy], white Zentai [FetsFash] Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Softbox from front left, hard Flash from top right