Gallery 287: Rosso
red - rouge - vermelho - rojo - rood - krasnyy - rooi - 'ahmar - Hóngsède - punainen - kókkino - laal - Aka - rubrum - czerwony - kirmizi - rød - rautt - karmir -
royt - Lala - kraham - pula - rot - rosso (at least if google translates 'red' correctly)
Some tim e ago I bought this red wig. And for a long time I did not know what to do with it. At one point I thought to myself, just do everything red! And that looks quite adequate, doesn't it?
Costume: Red Zentai [NA], red Wig [NA] Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Flash with red gel behind bed, Flash white with softbox from front right