Gallery 281: too lazy
You know how it is: you agreed to show up for training a week ago and now you don't have the energy to do so? Because it' s too cold, too late, too boring... Always the same! ;-) Yep, it's the
way I feel too! But somehow you have to go. So you squeeze into your uniform, layer by layer. Put on your gear, piece by piece - with less and less motivation. But once you've warmed up in
training, you wonder how stupid it would have been if you hadn't gone.
Costume: skin color Zentai [NA], compression Tight [Nike], Shirt [Adidas], Skinsuit [Adidas], Socks, Helmet, Goggles, Gloves Camera: Nikon D300. Radio trigger for camera + flash. Lens: Sigma 10-20mm Lighting: Softbox from left, Softbox with warm-filter from right